Stacy Elchinger for your support, helping out in the classrooms, and always getting us what we need for our classrooms. You are a huge cheerleader for us! Stacy is always positive and willing to go the extra mile to have our backs. We love and appreciate you Stacy!
~ Michelle Winters and Cheyenne Thomas
Gina Nichols for always taking the lunch orders on Friday and ordering it!! It's a huge job and I appreciate it!!
~ Hope Thompson
Jackie Fouty for always being patient with me and the many questions I send her way!
~ Hope Thompson
Dan Riley for continuing to be part of our HI program. Dan's expertise has been key to the improvement and development of our program which includes audiology services. Our team greatly enjoys working with Dan and learning from him. Thank you Dan!
~ Jill Gilliland
Alexis Morris and Tori Hallock for remaining calm and professional when dealing with difficult student behavior as substitutes. Good job!
~ Cristin Sunderman
Cathy Meyer, Carla Powell, and Danelle Sassaman for being such a great team and working together on whatever needs to be done throughout the days/weeks of the year. I appreciate all that you ladies do!
~ Cristin Sunderman
Dorothy Lambert for helping us to all stay on top of anything that ODEW communicates regarding the Science of Reading and the Dyslexia updates.
~ Jane P. Myers
Corey Todd or as I now call him, Doctor Todd as he was able to cure the virus on my computer. You are the BEST Doc!
~ Sue Smith
Patricia Shotwell for being willing to fill in at the Front Desk when schedules change. You are much appreciated!
~Pat Turpening