

 The NwOESC Wellness Committee is pleased to roll out your 
2024-25 Wellness Initiative
This initiative is designed to encourage each employee to set and accomplish health and wellness goals related to them as individuals, to challenge each person to participate in an organized fitness event of their choosing (i.e.  1 mile fun walk/run, 5K run or walk, cycling event, Zumba-thon, marathon) by the end of the school year, and to encourage each employee to participate in an on-going health/wellness/fitness commitment in a group or as an individual.  See below for more information:
NwOESC Wellness will encourage staff to set an individualized goal in an area of health/wellness and then work to accomplish that goal by the end of the school year.  Areas of focus may include stress management, smoking cessation, weight management, fitness/exercise, or nutrition.  This list in not exhaustive.   This individualized approach to goal setting will allow staff to select something meaningful to them, and take the steps necessary to improve overall health over the course of the school year.  Surveys will be sent out in the fall to elicit individualized SMART goals, and then again in the spring to follow up with participants on progress.  To be eligible for prizes, participants must complete the surveys. Additional prizes may be awarded to those staff self-reporting progress!    Please begin to think about an area of health/wellness you would like to work on, and watch for the survey to come out soon. Prizes will be distributed at our annual fall staff meeting!
FITNESS EVENT (June 16, 2024 – June 15, 2025):
NwOESC Wellness will also challenge all staff to participate in a fitness “event” of their choice by the end of the school year. The “events” are wide open and may include activities such as a 1 or 5K walk or run, cycling, Zumba-thon, triathlon, marathon, half marathon, etc.  The length or difficulty of the event does not matter – we all have to start somewhere!  The goal is to get active!  For each event one participates in, he/she will have his/her name entered in a drawing for end of year prizes.  The more you participate the better your chances will be for awesome prizes.  Please email a picture of yourself wearing your event tag/number, along with information that includes your name, the event you participated in, and the date of the event to [email protected] by June 15, 2025.  Prizes will be distributed at our annual fall staff meeting!

The link below is a good source of events, and is updated regularly.  You may be aware of other events that are held in your community that are not listed on this site.  Feel free to choose what works for you!


NwOESC Wellness NwOESC will encourage staff to participate in a group or an individual commitment to health/well-being that is on going in nature (five (5) full months or more during the 2024-25 school year).  Examples include yoga or Zumba classes, active gym membership/usage, regularly walking or doing elliptical, chewing gum instead of smoking, and participation in an organized club or group such as running or Weight Watchers.  Other examples may apply.  For each commitment activity, staff will have their name entered in the drawing for end of year prizes.  Please email a picture of yourself representing the activity along with a brief description of the ongoing commitment to [email protected] by June 15, 2025.  Prizes will be distributed at our annual fall staff meeting! 
Complete an annual Wellness Screening through Everside (if you take NBHP Insurance) or through a provider of your choice between July 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025 to be eligible to receive a Subway gift card.   If a screening is not possible, you may submit a "Healthy Hack" via social media tagging #HealthyHacksNwOESC to be eligible for the gift card.  Just notify Linda Schlosser via email ([email protected]) to report your Annual Health Screening or you posting a “Healthy Hack”.  
Be on the lookout for a mid-year challenge to be rolled out by the Wellness Committee!  In the past we have done a “Biggest Loser Team Challenge", a “Healthy Habits Calendar/Bingo Challenge", and a "Step/Activity Competition".  This is a fun way to stay involved throughout the year, especially after the New Year when it can be difficult to find motivation.
NwOESC Wellness has established a closed group on Facebook titled “NwOESC Wellness” for staff to post fitness news, tips, recipes, and helpful wellness related information.  Request to join “NwOESC Wellness” if you are interested!

In closing, we challenge each of you to participate in NwOESC’s Wellness Initiative. Starting and staying committed is imperative to your overall health and well-being! Thank you for your consideration!   


The NwOESC Wellness Committee

 Amy Mitchell, Andy Hunter, Corey Todd, Dorothy Lambert, Jill Gilliland, Kerri Weir, Linda Schlosser, and Melissa Sears

© 2025. Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center. All Rights Reserved.
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